Song for the Festival of Old Age


Song for the Festival of Old Age


This song was composed for one of the many Directorial festivals that were not overtly political. Several, like the festival for which this song was composed, celebrated important moments in the life cycle.





Chant pour la fête de la vieillesse.

Déjà le Génie et la Gloire,
Guidant au loin nos étendards,
Ont couronné par la victoire
Le fer béni par nos vieillards.
Hommage à l'auguste vieillesse!
A la saison de la sagesse
Offrons nos solennels accords!
Français, pour célébrer cet âge,
De la paix consolant présage,
Vertumne étale ses trésors.
Dans nos concerts et dans nos fêtes
Que nos pères soient révérés!
Quand l'âge aura blanchi nos têtes,
Comme eux nous serons honorés.

Song for the Festival of Old Age

Already the genius and the glory,
Guiding our standards from afar,
By victory have crowned
The swords blessed by our elders.
Homage to our august elders!
During this time of wisdom
Let us offer our solemn promise!
Frenchmen, to celebrate this age
Of comforting peace foretells,
Vertume spreads his treasures,
At our concerts and our feasts
Let our fathers be revered!
When age has whitened our heads
Like them, we shall be honored.


“Song for the Festival of Old Age,” LIBERTY, EQUALITY, FRATERNITY: EXPLORING THE FRENCH REVOUTION, accessed March 14, 2025,