Song of the Marseillaise of the Federation of 10 August, Year II


Song of the Marseillaise of the Federation of 10 August, Year II


One of many hymns that was composed by rhyming new lyrics to the wildly popular tune of the "Marseillaise," this song was performed at a festival celebrating the first anniversary of the republican revolution of August 10.







Air des Marseillais pour le camp de la Fédération, le 10 août An 2.

Siècles fameux que l'on renomme,
Brillez, revivez dans Paris!
D'Athènes, de Sparte et de Rome
Les fiers enfants sont réunis
Les fiers enfants sont réunis.

En vain le reste de la terre
Rugit, nous appelle aux combats.
La liberté guide nos pas,
Et nous a remis son tonnerre
Courage, citoyens, formez vos bataillons!
Marchez, marchez!
Du sang des rois abreuvez vos sillons!

Marchez, marchez!
Du sang des rois abreuvez vos sillons!

Song of the Marseillais of the Federation of 10 August, Year II

The best of times from long ago,
Are revived and sparkle in Paris!
From Athens, Sparta and Rome,
Proud children are reunited
Proud children are reunited.

The rest of the world lives on in vain
And roars, calling us to fight.
Liberty guides our steps,
And has rekindled our passion.
Courage, Citizens, form your batallions!
March on, March on!
The blood of kings waters your furrows!

March on, March on!
The blood of kings waters your furrows!


“Song of the Marseillaise of the Federation of 10 August, Year II,” LIBERTY, EQUALITY, FRATERNITY: EXPLORING THE FRENCH REVOUTION, accessed October 22, 2024,