Patriotic Song on the Unveiling of the Busts of Marat and Le Pelletier (1793)


Patriotic Song on the Unveiling of the Busts of Marat and Le Pelletier (1793)


This song illustrates the fluid boundary between "high" and "popular" musical forms. Althought these lyrics were set to a new composition by Joseph Gossec, they could also be sung to a tune already familiar to many French men and women. The song honors journalist Jean–Paul Marat and deputy Michel LePelletier, both of whom had been assasinated and were considered martyrs to the Revolution.







Chant patriotique pour l'inauguration des bustes de Marat et Le Pelletier.

Citoyens dont Rome antique
A consacré les vertus,
Soutiens de la République,
Vous, Gracques et toi Brutus,
Brûlans de votre courage,
Les Français l'ont imité;
Ils achèvent votre ouvrage
En fondant la liberté,
En fondant la liberté,
En fondant la liberté.

Patriotic Song on the unveiling of the busts of Marat and Le Pelletier

Citizens whose virtues
Ancient Rome has consecrated
Support the Republic
You, Gracchus, and you, Brutus,
Passionate from your courage,
The French have imitated it;
They complete your task
By establishing liberty,
By establishing liberty,
By establishing liberty.


“Patriotic Song on the Unveiling of the Busts of Marat and Le Pelletier (1793),” LIBERTY, EQUALITY, FRATERNITY: EXPLORING THE FRENCH REVOUTION, accessed March 13, 2025,