The Alarm of the People


The Alarm of the People


Composed by J.M. Souriguieres, a parisian dramatist, and Pierre Gaveaux, an actor, this song demands revenge for the crimes and bloodshed of the Terror. It was quickly adopted as an anthem by the "gilded youth" of the Thermidoran Reaction, who sang it in opposition to singers of the Marseillaise.







Réveil du peuple

Peuple français, peuple de frères,
Peux-tu voir, sans frémir d'horreur,
Le crime arborer les bannières
Du carnage et de la Terreur?
Tu souffres qu'une horde atroce,
Et d'assassins et de brigands,
Souille par son souffle féroce,
Les territoires des vivants!

Quelle est cette lenteur barbare?
Hâte-toi peuple souverain,
De rendre aux monstres du Ténare
Tous ces buveurs de sang humaine.
Guerre à tous les agents du crime!
Poursuivons-les jusqu'au trépas;
Partage l'horreur qui m'anime,
Il ne nous échapperont pas.

Représentants d'un peuple juste,
O vous! législateurs humains,
De qui la contenance auguste
Fait trembler nos vils assassins,
Suivez le cours de votre gloire.
Vos noms chers à l'humanité,
Volent au temple de mémoire,
Au sein de l'mmortalité.

The Alarm of the People

French people, people of brothers,
Can you watch, without shuddering in horror,
As crime unfurls its banners
Of Carnage and Terror?
You suffer an atrocious horde,
Of assassins and brigands,
Soiling with its savage breath,
The lands of the living!

What is this barbaric languor?
Sovereign people, hurry
To return to the monsters of Tenairon
All these drinkers of human blood.
War against all those who practice this crime!
Hound them to the death;
Share the horror that impels me,
They shall not escape us.

Representatives of a just people.
O you! humane legislators,
Whose august countenances
cause our vile assassins to tremble,
Follow the path of your glory,
Your names, beloved by humanity,
Rush to the temple of remembrance,
In the bosom of immortality.



“The Alarm of the People,” LIBERTY, EQUALITY, FRATERNITY: EXPLORING THE FRENCH REVOUTION, accessed October 22, 2024,