The archived discussion consists of six questions based on the “essays” and the responses to these questions. The entire team of contributors participated in this discussion which took place on-line, during the summer of 2003.
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A project of the Center for History & New Media, George Mason University and the Department of History, University of California, Los Angeles for the American Historical Review.
1. Are images vital sources of historical knowledge that have been insufficiently exploited?
2. What are the advantages/deficits of visual mediation of events and concepts in this period? (more)
3. Can imagery be addressed in new ways with on-line methods? (more)
4. Is there anything left to discover about the crowd in the French Revolution? (more)
5. How would our analysis change if we knew more about the date, engravers, designers, producers, merchants and distribution of the images in question? (more)
6. What difference does in make that we know the “author” of one print and not another, given that “authorship” is a somewhat vexed notion in regard to print making? (more)
Read edited discussion.